Traurige Nachrichten um Bart Bryant: Der dreifache PGA-Tour-Sieger starb am Dienstag im Alter von 59 Jahren bei einem Autounfall in Polk City, Florida.
Auf der PGA Tour hatte Bart Bryant, der 1986 ins Profilager wechselte, drei Siege erzielen können. Die Valero Texas Open 2004, das Memorial 2005 und die The Tour Championship 2005.
Auf der PGA Tour Champion war der gebürtige Texaner zweimal erfolgreich.
“The PGA TOUR is saddened by the tragic passing of Bart Bryant and our hearts go out to his family and friends during this difficult time,” said PGA TOUR Commissioner Jay Monahan. “The Bryants have been a part of the PGA TOUR family for over four decades and we are grateful for the impact and legacy he made on our organization and countless communities. Bart will be dearly missed.“
Bart Bryant poses with the tournament trophy after winning the Dick’s Sporting Goods Open at En-Joie Golf Course on August 18, 2013 in Endicott, New York. (Photo by Chris Condon/PGA TOUR)