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David Leadbetter
Wikipedia schreibt:
Leadbetter himself concentrates on teaching tour professionals and on instructing other coaches in his methods, who then teach his ideas at his academies. Apart from Faldo his students include Nick Price, Charles Howell III, Michelle Wie, and many other well-known players on the leading tours. Pros who formerly worked with Leadbetter included: Nick Faldo (1984–1998), Greg Norman (1997), and Ernie Els (1990–2008). He was ranked second to Butch Harmon on the 2005-2006 edition of Golf Digest’s list of the „50 Greatest Teachers“ in the United States.
1. Don’t Snatch It Back
Learn to start your swing smoothly for more consistency.
2. Sand Play 2.0
For a better swing from the sand, ditch the old out-to-in bunker swing.
3. Nail Your Irons
If thin shots are a problem for you, make two adjustments in your setup and one key move in your swing. David Leadbetter explains.