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Und nochmals: Alle hier gezeigten Videos und viele weiteren in den Sparten Off The Tee, Irons & Hybrids, Short Game, Putting, Bunkers and Fundamentals findest Du auf Es lohnt sich, die Seite aufzurufen.
Dave Pelz Instructional: Chipping from Deep Rough
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The greenside chip from the rough is a challenging shot, but short game expert Dave Pelz has a technique to help you master the shot and lower your scores.
Dave Pelz Instructional: Chip Shots
Original embed video: Chip Shots
Bump and run or high and soft? Short Game expert Dave Pelz discusses which technique is best when chipping around the green.
Dave Pelz Instructional: Cut Flop Shots
Original embed video: Cut Flop Shot
Short game expert Dave Pelz demonstrates how you can lower your scores by practicing the cut lob shot in your own backyard.
Dave Pelz Instructional: Bunker Shots
Original embed video: Bunker Shots
Short Game expert Dave Pelz demonstrates the technique for consistent bunker play.
Dave Pelz Instructional: The Bunker Board
Original embed video: The Bunker Board
Short Game expert Dave Pelz demonstrates how a simple device can help lower your scores by improving greenside bunker play.
Dave Pelz Bunker Tip: Controlling distance
Original embed video: Controlling Distance
Short game instructor Dave Pelz demonstrates the proper way to control your distance when hitting bunker shots.
John Mallinger on Bunker play
Original embed video: John Mallinger on Bunker play
John Mallinger demonstrates the right approach to escaping a steep faced bunker.
Mike Shannon: Spine angle in putting
Original embed video: Spine angel in putting
Sea Island Learning Center Putting Instructor Mike Shannon explains body alignment in address when putting.
Joe Plecker: How to Draw and Fade
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Joe Plecker, PGA Director of Instruction at Baltimore Country Club instructs on how to hit a draw or a fade, depending on what the hole calls for.
Peter Krause: Playing With Slopes
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PGA Teacher of the Year Peter Krause, PGA Director of Instruction Rick Martino and PGA Teacher of the Year Laird Small all give their expertise on the proper alignment and stance of playing on a slope.
Michael S. Breed: Controlling the Yips
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Metropolitan PGA Section Teacher of the Year Michael Breed offers a few tips to help keep your hands and mind calm when hitting short putts.
Martin Hall: More Distance
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Martin Hall, PGA Director of Instruction at Ibis Golf and Country Club in West Palm Beach, Florida talks about how to get more distance. Hall demonstrates a drill to help hit the ball farther. He tells how power hitters turn the top of their body away from the bottom half during the backswing and at the same time, they turn the bottom of their body independently away from the top.
Sean Foley: Consistent Bunker Play
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Leaning and staying left will make you more consistent in greenside sand
Craig Hanson: “ Golf Chipping und Pitching “ mit Tiger Woods, Phil Mickelson … „
Der professionelle Trainer Craig Hanson zeigt die Hauptfehler, die Leute bei ihren Annäherungsschlägen machen … Und zeigt die besten Spieler auf der Welt (in Zeitlupe) und die Wahrheiten und Mythen über einen 10 bis 30 Meter Schlag. Dieses Video muß jeder Perfektionist gesehen haben !!
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