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Sean Foley
Wikipedia über Sean Foley:
Sean Foley (born 1974, Burlington, Ontario) is a Canadian golf instructor, who has coached Sean O’Hair, Hunter Mahan, Stephen Ames and Parker McLachlin, and other PGA Tour professionals. He has coached Justin Rose since the end of 2009. Foley also coaches Canadian PGA Tour player Chris Baryla. Foley began a partnership with Tiger Woods during the summer of 2010. Foley also became Noh Seung-yul’s instructor in 2012, and Lee Westwood began working with Foley in the summer of 2013.
Foley is known for claiming a scientific approach to the golf swing. One of his trainees, Justin Rose, said of Foley’s instruction style:
Sean does not look at me as a golfer. He looks at me as an athlete and from a biomechanical point of view. He is not necessarily wrapped up in what makes a swing pretty. He wants what works for me from a scientific point of view. This is not necessarily the position that everyone strives for, but that is what I like about Sean.
Foto: Golf instructor Sean Foley am 26. February, 2014 in Palm Beach Gardens, Florida. (Photo by Sam Greenwood/Getty Images)
1. Hitting a Soft Pitch
If you don’t work a lot on your short game, you’ll struggle with the old-school lob shot, where you open the clubface and swing out, across the ball. Here’s a better technique from Sean Foley.
2. Set Up For Success In The Sand
Sean Foley’s advice on the best way to hit a greenside bunker shot? Open your stance and swing along your toe line.
3. Chipping Made Easy
Wondering how to make chipping easy? Sean Foley shows you how.
4. Don’t Lift Your Head
How to avoid the one mistake you can’t make
5. Master One Club Around The Greens
Golf Digest Best 50 Teacher Sean Foley offers you different setup options with your wedge for different shots around the green.