Wer ist Tom SAGUTO?
Dozent Thomas Saguto ist ein junger amerikanischer PGA Golf Instructor und Professional Guitarist.
Er unterrichtet einen körperfreundlichen Golfschwung, wobei der Schwerpunkt darauf liegt, die Techniken einfach, benutzerfreundlich und schnell und effektiv zu implementieren.
Über ihn schreibt V1 Sports Blog:
Pro Feature: Meet Tom Saguto
June 4, 2020
… The Tom Saguto in question is none of those things. He is, however, a bright, young instructor with one of the fastest-growing golf-related Youtube channels today. Since just before the start of COVID-19 shelter-in-place protocols in March, the Pawley’s Island, SC-based Saguto has added 38,000 subscribers who follow his high-energy brand of teaching the golf swing. His persona and delivery call to mind a young Jim Carrey blended with the confidence, passion and swing expertise of Michael Breed with a dash of golf-centric impressionist Connor Moore just to dial up the entertainment value. The videos are head turners, to say the least.
Einige im Youtube Golf Channel Saguto Golf präsentierten Videos möchten wir Dir hier vorstellen.
1. The Secret to The Golf Swing
This golf tip will change your life! This is the SECRET to the golf swing and when you put this piece into your golf swing, it will make the golf swing so much easier for you. If you are confused by how the golf swing works or that your golf swing isn’t consistent, you need this golf tip. This is a golf tip that will change your life for the better – and it’s helped thousands of golfers play the best golf of their lives right now.
Embed video © by Youtube/SagutoGolf
2. Takaway make the golf swing EASIER
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3. Stack and Tilt Golf VLOG
My week with THE BEST golf instructors in the world – Stack and Tilt Golf VLOG. This video highlights my experience at the Stack and Tilt golf swing camp in Miami, Florida. At the Stack and Tilt golf swing camp we dove deep into the inner workings of the golf swing and how the golf swing works. The depth of the Stack and Tilt golf swing is incredible – Andy Plummer, one of the creators of the Stack and Tilt golf swing led the camp and golf instruction during the whole week. Check out my experience at the Stack and Tilt golf swing camp.
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4. Collin Morikawa – 3 Golf Tips to Help You PURE YOUR IRONS
Collin Morikawa 3 Golf Tips to Help You PURE YOUR IRONS. Collin Morikawa shows us 3 AWESOME Golf Swing Ball Striking Tips that you can do right now to hit your irons pure and crispy. While Collin Morikawa has a golf swing that’s built with many “conventional” golf swing elements, he makes a few really AWESOME moves can help you hit it great. Collin Morikawa’s 3 SIMPLE Golf Ballstriking Tips include the takeaway, the angle of the shaft in the backswing, and turning the lead shoulder down to maintain his body’s relationship to the ball.
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5. Golf Swing Weight Shift [DO’s and DON’Ts & Clean Contact DRILL]
How does weight shift really work? How much should I shift my weight? Tom has a fantastic drill to help you hit your cleanest shots today.
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6. One-Plane vs Two-Plane Golf Swing [Which is Better?]
This topic adresses the main differences between a one-plane swing and a two-plane swing and why having pieces from BOTH swings in your game can be harmful. It is best to be either one-plane or two-plane, but never in-between.
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